

The project will provide a relevant scientific impact, giving evidence of the major
 relationships between the survival and performance of the angel-backed and
crowded-backed firms, from the one hand, and the set of new human capital characteristics. Major emerging research trends that deal with women entrepreneurship, the green and digital
transition and their link with human capital constitute largely unexplored lines of research. 

Project results will be a major tool for practitioners in the entrepreneurial finance ecosystem in developing assessment and quantifying the effects of human capital on startup performance
The project will foster a culture of evidence based policymaking as well as a participatory assessment and learning process among academic and non-academic actors. Project results will
enhance decision-making processes as well as the efficacy of  business angels and crowdfunding investing 
process through new indicators of human capital factors and startup sustainability performance.

The project results could offer useful suggestions to market operators and policymakers:
-for establishing information standards on founders’ human capital to be applied in online pitches;
-for setting standard evaluation criteria in the screening phase of business angels’ investment evaluation;
-for designing education and training initiatives aimed at boosting startup investments and fostering
entrepreneurship and women entrepreneurship;
-for emphasizing the contribution of business angels and crowd-investors in the current trend towards digitization and green transition.

HORIZON -MSCA -2022 -SE -01

BAC4SHC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon – MARIE SKLODOWSKA- CURIE ACTIONS STAFF EXCHANGES (MSCA -SE) MSCA -SE-2022 -101129958

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